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Alfred Health Week Scientific Abstract Competition

Complete the form below to submit your abstract for the Scientific Abstract Competition, making sure you have nominated your work to be considered for abstract prizes, where appropriate.

Abstracts must meet the abstract guidelines to be considered for prizes.

Submissions close 5pm, Friday 20 Sept.

Please note the following when submitting your abstract application:

  • All contact details supplied will be for the Presenting Author.
  • Abstract naming convention - please ensure you save your abstract as a Word doc with the title in the following manner; 
    • Surname_firstinitial_first_four_words_of_abstract_title
    • E.g.  King_S_Pulmonary_function_and_fat
  • The Presenting Author is the person who is presenting the research and is preferably the one who has undertaken the research. They are also the person who will appear in a video should they be selected and choose to take part. The Presenting Author does not have to be first or senior author.
  • Presenting Authors must have been working at the Alfred precinct during the course of the featured project.
  • Only one application may be submitted by any Presenting Author.
  • Content may have been presented at a conference in the past 12 months.
  • No figures or tables may be included in the abstract. Figure labels and table legends are excluded from word count, but the contents of the table will count towards the total word count.
  • Abstract content from original research in the last 12 months will be prioritised.
  • Individual abstracts will be considered for one award category only.  Please select the primary or most appropriate research area when prompted.  Refer to the Alfred Health Week Award categories and prizes here.

Systematic reviews are not considered to be original content/research. Other areas such as retrospective chart reviews, other retrospective studies, meta-analyses, linkage studies and prospective studies are considered to be original content/research.

* indicates a required field.

Applicant details

If you are a joint appointment, please select one organisation.

Abstract details

Please select ONE primary or main research area 'prize category' for which your abstract is eligible (if any) *
Find out more about the prizes on offer and check the criteria.
Before uploading, please ensure your abstract meets the guidelines.

For Allied Health Prize consideration

Allied Health Award eligibility information - please complete the following questions if you wish to be considered for an award.

For example, Departments of Alied Health Assistants, Dietetics & Nutrition, Occupational Therapy, Orthoptics, Orthotics, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Psychology, Spiritual Care, Social Work, Speech Pathology or reports within Alied Health Directorate
For which award(s) would you like your abstract to be considered? *

Please note that staff with Honorary appointments with Allied Health ta Alfred Health will not be eligible for these awards. To be awarded an Allied Health Research Award, the awardee (first author, or anominated team member) must be avalable to present their research at the Allied Health Research Forum.