Nurses play a critical role in managing mental state deterioration (MSD) in acute hospital settings, yet challenges such as limited training, communication barriers, and inconsistent escalation...
Two Australian researchers have made a breakthrough discovery that explains why more than 50 per cent of women who receive treatment for Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) get it back again within three months.
After more than seven years as Dean of La Trobe University’s School of Nursing and Midwifery, Professor Lisa McKenna is transitioning to a new role. Prof. McKenna's leadership and partnership with...
Professor James Beeson, deputy director, Research Strategy and head of Burnet’s Malaria Immunity and Vaccines Group, has been awarded two grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to drive...
More than one million Victorians will benefit through the formation of the new Bayside Health (working title) – a voluntary merger between Alfred Health, Peninsula Health and Kooweerup Regional...
The inaugural 'Innovations in Allied Health Hospital Workforce National Conference' was held recently. This was a joint La Trobe University School of Allied Health, Human Services & Sport, and Alfred...
Victorian cancer patients receiving immunotherapy are set to benefit from new research which has potential to improve treatment outcomes while at the same time reducing unwanted side effects.
Alfred Research Alliance 'Research Week' is an annual event held in October. Research Week celebrates the eight organisations that come together on one precinct at The Alfred to conduct best-in-class...
Alfred Research Week 2024 Award Winners
2024 Scientific Abstract competition prize-giving