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Spotlight on infection and immunity research

Burnet teams up with Monash and BioCurate to develop novel HIV antivirals

Professor Gilda Tachedjian,

Professor Gilda Tachedjian,

Burnet Institute, in collaboration with Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (MIPS), received Proof of Concept funding from BioCurate to develop next-generation human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antivirals.

The multi-disciplinary research team, led jointly by Burnet’s Head of Life Sciences, Professor Gilda Tachedjian, and leading medicinal chemist Dr David Chalmers (MIPS), has identified a novel HIV target, or new way to attack HIV.

With the financial support and therapeutic development expertise of BioCurate, the team will validate the target and further progress the development of drug candidates. HIV remains a global public health threat. There is a need to continually innovate and develop new drugs that block the drug-resistant virus and provide new options for individuals who are running out of treatment options.

By targeting HIV resistance to existing drugs, these new therapeutics may provide a life-saving option and reduce human suffering worldwide.

The Tachedjian Laboratory combines 25 years of HIV virology and antivirals experience with an emphasis on translational science, synergising with Monash’s unique fragment-based drug design methodology. Combined with BioCurate’s industry experience, the team will work towards novel HIV therapeutics with the potential to safeguard HIV therapy for the next generation.