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HUB spaces

Town Square

Town Square

The Town Square is a place for connection; where staff can come to meet with others at the café, outside deck or one of the many nooks throughout the area.

The café will be run by a local social enterprise who take coffee as seriously as they do supporting disadvantaged groups throughout Melbourne.

This area will provide opportunity to take time out from day-to-day responsibilities, progress work over a cup of coffee or have a serendipitous catch-up with a colleague.

Learning Zone

Learning Zone

The Learning Zone provides technology enabled learning areas which are able to be flexibly configured to accommodate small to large groups. The zone has informal breakout areas to allow for further conversation and collaboration.

The focus within the Learning Zone is providing bookable spaces which act as a blank canvas for initiatives that bring people together to learn, question, encourage across industry, campus, discipline and team. These areas facilitate face-to-face and remote learning.

Additionally, this space houses the ‘The Moss Room’ which is a place to spend time when the conversation and thinking needs elevation, expansiveness or energising.  

The Terraces

The Terraces

Featuring lots of natural light, a curved ceiling and repurposed timber panelling,

The Terraces is a unique gathering and seminar space. Acting as an overflow from the Town Square when not being used for a scheduled event, The Terraces is a place to bring a laptop and work away from your desk.

The Ian Potter Reading Room

The Ian Potter Reading Room

The unique design of the new quiet library space, off the Town Square, provides a comfortable environment to escape the hustle and bustle and focus on study and individual work.

The inner quiet Library provides 20 study places, in a calm, sound controlled environment.  There is access to several PC stations and space designed especially to support laptop users. The print collection of books is on hand for study within the library or for borrowing. 

The Library staff office is situated within the Library space where staff are ready to support and consult as needed. Additional spaces throughout The Hub will be used for more formal library training group classes.