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Bioinformatics and Biostatistics

Bioinformatics Program – Baker Institute


The Bioinformatics Program at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute aims to build bioinformatics capacity through collaboration (internal and external), support and training.

The program offers data analysis across a range diverse technology including genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics and metagenomics / microbiota, as well as cross-omic integration.


A diverse set of analytical techniques is employed, including statistical analysis, machine learning, network analysis and high-dimensional data visualisation as well as the design of computational algorithms.

This enables the identification of genetic variants, genes and other biomolecular / organismal entities that differ between conditions, enabling researchers to make disease predictions, infer pathogenesis and identify targets for intervention.

Access and contact

Access to the capability is via collaborative research.

Prof Mike Inouye
Head, Systems Genomics
Baker Institute

Biostatistics Consulting Platform - Monash University

Providing high-quality biostatistical support to researchers at all locations of Monash University's Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences and to researchers at the Alfred Hospital.

Biostatisticians can provide consulting and collaborative assistance with:

  • Design of experiments, clinical trials and other studies including sample size calculations and the development of proposals and protocols
  • Statistical analysis and reporting of results
  • Selection of appropriate biostatistical methods including the preparation of statistical analysis plans (SAPs) for research projects
  • Biostatistical appraisal of protocols and manuscripts
  • Research into new or specialised biostatistical methods arising from Faculty projects and programs
  • Statistical software advice and guidance

Find out more

The Monash Genomics and Bioinformatics Platform - BIoinformatics Node 

The Monash Genomics and Bioinformatics Platform - BIoinformatics Node is a hub for the network of bioinformaticians who support the university and its affiliates.

With expertise in cutting-edge computational techniques in areas such as genomics, proteomics and structural biology, they also partner in technical training and infrastructure development.

Find out more